Tag Archive for: Argentina

NEUROTANGO invitado en la la Edición Especial de la Milonga por la Integración Abrazo Verdadero de nuestra querida Andrea Etchepare en la Flor de Barracas Buenos Aires 2 de septiembre de 2017.
NEUROTANGO© Maria Teresa Gil Ogliastri’s specialization thesis in Dance Movement Therapy of the National University of the Arts is protected as: CUSTODY OF UNEDITED WORK in the National Directorate of Copyright of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Presidency of the Nation Argentina under File No. 5288582 – Date May 11, 2016.
NEUROTANGO© Registered as an Argentine Brand in the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) under No. 2,868,128 – Date January 30, 2017.
NEUROTANGO© Registered as a USA Brand in USPTO (United States Patent & Trademark Office) – Date April 24, 2018.
NEUROTANGO© Book edited by the publishing house Autores de Argentina – ISBN No. 978-987-761-412-1 Autonomous City of Buenos Aires – Date 2018
The photographs on this page are from the beginnings of NEUROTANGO: TANGO NEURODIVERSO in 2015 and were taken at the “Milonga por la Integración el Abrazo Verdadero” at the Notable Bar in the City of Buenos Aires “Los Laureles” (Av. General Tomas de Iriarte 2290). The invitation and photographs were courtesy of the psychologist and creator of this first inclusive milonga in Buenos Aires: Lic. Andrea Etchepare.
NEUROTANGO has no connection with other brands and/or ventures with commercial purposes carried out under the same name outside the country. We are not responsible for nor do we endorse the use of our name by people without professional training in mental health and without a methodology with solid theoretical and ethical foundations that respects patients and the therapeutic framework.